
Acoustical Solutions is the most vertically integrated company in the acoustics industry. We manufacture and distribute acoustical products as well as provide expert acoustical problem solving, construction estimating and project management, and installation. As a result, Acoustical Solutions is the one company in the industry who can provide a complete turn-key solution.

Site Visits

Site visits are necessary when an acoustical problem is too involved to properly diagnose over the phone or through email, or the space in which the acoustical problem exists has too many dimensions required or obstacles to overcome. Site visits allow us to identify the root cause problem to recommend the best solution and to capture all necessary architectural dimensions to create an aesthetically pleasing environment.

For more information about our site visit options, click here.


Providing the best products to solve noise control problems has been our mainstay since 1989. Along the way, we realized that many of our customers needed a turn key solution. Our teams of installers have successfully installed our products in hundreds of gymnasiums, restaurants, office spaces, houses of worship, hospitals, schools, commercial spaces, and residences. If you need an installation done right, please give us a call.

To learn more about our installation services, click here.

Commercial Estimating and Project Management

As the leader in the specialty acoustical products market, Acoustical Solutions works in partnership with the commercial construction industry. Our Commercial Estimating division bids on architect specified projects in the following geographic areas:

  • Virginia
  • Maryland
  • Washington, D.C.
  • North Carolina

We are a Class A Contractor that can furnish and install a variety of specialty acoustical materials, typically found in Division 9 sections 09 77 13, 09 84 00, 09 84 33, and 09 84 36.

Our estimating team performs take-offs from architect design plans and works with a variety of material vendors to provide competitive bids to our general contractor and subcontractor partners. We also have certified project managers on staff who work with our installation department to complete projects on time and within budget.

To learn more about our Commercial Estimation services, click here.

Acoustic Pro Rewards Program

Our trade professional program is specifically designed for contractors and AV integrators who are looking to grow their acoustic installation business. The Acoustic Pro Rewards Program educates your team on best practices for solving acoustical problems and the range of products used to conquer those issues. Whether you’re on-site with a customer or working digitally with a prospect, our comprehensive guide to acoustics basics and Acoustical Solutions’ products will give you and your team the resources and confidence to offer the best solution to solve the acoustical issue they are experiencing.

Acoustic Pro Rewards Enrollment Form