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Pinewood Petrol

The Issue

Arnold Mooradian with Pinewood Petrol needed help blocking sound from their newly built carwash from going over their existing fence to the nearby residential neighbors.

Soundproofing Blankets Installed at Pinewood Petrol

Soundproofing Blankets Installed at Pinewood Petrol

About the Client

Pinewood Petrol/76 Gas Station is located in Tujunga, CA

The Challenge

The noises from the carwash were going over the fences that were already in place, so we needed to build on top of the existing fences to block sound directionally. Because this was an outside environment, we needed something that could stand the test of time.

The Solution

Our PrivacyShield® Outdoor Absorptive Soundproofing Blankets have the mass and absorptive material needed to block sound, and they are rated for exterior use. We put the blankets on a frame that started at the top of the existing fence and went above the openings of the carwash to block sound in the direction of their neighbors.

Soundproofing Blankets Installed at Pinewood Petrol

Soundproofing Blankets Installed at Pinewood Petrol

The Result

After treatment, the sound that leaves the openings of the carwash is blocked by the PrivacyShield® Outdoor Absorptive Soundproofing Blankets. Also, because of the absorptive facing on the blankets, the reflection/echo is reduced by not allowing sound to bounce off the blankets’ facing.

In the Customer’s Own Words

“I am very happy with the results.”

— Arnold Mooradian, Pinewood Petrol

To learn more about how Acoustical Solutions can solve your noise control problems, use our contact form, call one of our Acoustical Sales Consultants at (800) 782-5742, or visit us on the web at acousticalsolutions.com.