Christ Healing Evangelical Church

The Issue

Christ Healing Evangelical Church planned to remodel the stage area in their sanctuary for more space, a new look and improved acoustics. The pastor and his wife liked an idea they had seen at a similar church. Adding a decorative element to the open truss-style ceiling would provide a contemporary look as well as improve the acoustics. Their contractor agreed. They were able to find the perfect material at a reasonable price for the scope of their project.

The Challenge

The worship space at Christ Healing Evangelical Church is indicative of many modern-day worship facilities. Comprised of high ceilings with sheet rock walls, an open metal deck and carpeted floor, it offered little to address the acoustics. The installed line array-style sound system provides sound reinforcement for both speech and live instrumentation on stage. However, there was no acoustical treatment and mostly hard, reflective surfaces. Spaces like this tend to have sound issues related to unintelligible speech and poor sound quality.

The Solution

After researching a lot of other products online, the client settled on a combination of Whisperwave® Ceiling Clouds and Sonex® Valueline Hanging Baffles for the treatment above their stage. Both have unique designs and a range of options from which to choose, which give the suspended acoustic panels the contemporary look they desired.  Additionally, since both sides of the acoustic material are exposed, they also provide excellent sound absorption. The clouds and baffles were purchased in two vibrant colors. This allowed them to create a checkerboard type design when suspending them from the ceiling.


  • (3) Boxes: Whisperwave® Ceiling Clouds in Olive Green
  • (3) Boxes: Whisperwave® Ceiling Clouds in Orange Red
  • (1) Box: Sonex® Valueline Hanging Baffles in Olive Green
A combination of HPC Coated Colors create a unique look for these Whisperwave Clouds in the sanctuary at the Christ Healing Evangelical Church in South Holland, IL. Pictured are 2'x4' clouds in olive green and orange red.

A combination of HPC Coated Colors create a unique look for these Whisperwave® Clouds in the sanctuary at the Christ Healing Evangelical Church in South Holland, IL. Pictured are 2’x4′ clouds in olive green and orange red.

The Result

At the completion of the project, the client was able to achieve two things. The Whisperwave® Ceiling Clouds reduced the sound reflections of both the choir and congregation. The worship experience has been noticeably improved, and everyone is very happy with the results. The Sonex® Valueline Hanging Baffles has added an exciting new design above the stage and an improvement to the sound quality, as well.

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