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Jim Worth's Family Room

The Issue

Acoustical Solutions recently helped with a noise control project for Jim Worth’s family room by providing decorative AlphaSorb® Art Acoustic Panels with high-quality family photos printed on them. The Art Acoustic Panels not only absorb sound and remove echo from the room, they also create a unique, artful collage of family photos.

The Challenge

As Jim Worth’s family began to grow, like most proud grandfathers, he wanted to decorate his house with as many reminders of his daughters and grandchildren as possible.

A problem arose, however, when Jim began integrating his family photos into his family and entertainment room: acoustics.

He had just installed a new plasma TV and surround sound speaker system, which didn’t sound nearly as good as it could have.

Traditionally, to acoustically treat entertainment rooms and home theaters, sound absorptive acoustic panels are hung on the walls. This reduces echo and reverberation in the room, but also uses up most of the wall space.

“We wanted to hang our family’s pictures in there, but we also had to think about how to treat the room’s sound,” Jim explained, “there are so many hard surfaces that create reverberation in the room. Wood is everywhere, we even have hard wooden blinds.”

The Solution

When Jim called Acoustical Solutions to explain his situation he spoke with to our sales manager.

At the time, Acoustical Solutions was actually exploring ways to get art onto acoustic panels. Jim says, “I was working with a photographer and [Acoustical Solutions] had been working with a printing company. We sent the printing company one of my photos to get a sample of how it looked, and it turned out great.”

After receiving the first art panel, Jim ordered six more 2-inch-thick panels, all with family photos printed on them.

These decorative acoustic panels work to reduce echo and reverberation in rooms by absorbing sound and converting it to heat energy before the energy has a chance to bounce from wall to wall.

The panels are frequently used in applications ranging from residential spaces such as home theaters to larger commercial spaces such as industrial facilities and gymnasiums.

Art Acoustic Panels on the back wall of Jim Worth's Family Room.

Art Acoustic Panels on the back wall of Jim Worth’s Family Room.

The Result

Jim ended up with what he calls “acoustical art” in his family and entertainment room. The high-quality photography and printing create a unique collage of family photos.

He said the panels work very well on both levels: as acoustical treatment and as decoration.

“When I walk into the room I can sense it. I can immediately tell the room sounds better,” he explained, “even when the room is quiet I can tell the panels are there. The images are first rate, we had a phenomenal photographer and the prints show that.”

Jim has also indicated that he will be purchasing additional panels as his grandchildren grow older.

To learn more about how Acoustical Solutions can solve your noise control problems, use our contact form, call one of our Acoustical Sales Consultants at (800) 782-5742, or visit us on the web at acousticalsolutions.com.