Eric K.'s Home Listening Room

The Issue

Eric wanted to achieve optimal performance from his audiophile equipment in his high-end home listening room by adding acoustic treatment. He was aware that his two-channel system was lacking the intended level of musical clarity it should be producing.

The Challenge

Eric’s home media room is a basic square room, 10 foot by 10 foot by eight foot high. For most people, these are just another room in our home or apartment. For Eric, this is a space where he can focus on his enthusiasm for high-fidelity music. Being able to experience the original intent of the music is the ultimate goal and often a challenge in spaces without acoustic treatment.

Most rooms in our homes are not designed as listening rooms. To achieve optimal sound system performance, Eric must improve the room acoustics. This enhances the ability of the speakers to accurately reproduce the recorded audio without noisy room interference.

Eric was experiencing problems with echo, muddy mid-range and poor low frequency response. The converted spare bedroom is comprised of sheet rock walls and ceiling, carpet on the floor, one window and one door. These existing conditions did not allow the audiophile grade gear to perform at their best. Eric and our sales consultant had several discussions on what he envisioned for his ideal listening space. He wanted something that felt and looked sleek and modern, without breaking the bank.

The Solution

For the walls in the room, Eric used Sonex® Junior acoustical foam in natural grey. The two inch thick foam provides sound absorption to prevent slap-back and echo. The two-foot by two-foot sheets are versatile and easy to work with. Eric complemented the convoluted pattern of the wall panels with AlphaSorb® Acoustic Foam Bass Traps. The traps provide broadband absorption and prevent bass build up in corner.

Eric K's Home Listening Room with AlphaSorb Acoustic Foam Bass Traps and Sonex Junior Foam

Eric K’s Home Listening Room with AlphaSorb® Foam Bass Traps and Sonex® Junior Foam

The Result

Eric’s sound system now has a clearer, more defined sound stage with less bass distortion. He is quite happy with the customer service, as well as the look and cost of the materials.

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