Milspray Military Technologies

The Issue

A diverse military defense firm in New Jersey had a big problem. One of their office areas was overrun by noise from a neighboring testing room. This inconvenient setup made efficient operations within the area nearly impossible.

Sales Representative Kevin McIver at Acoustical Solutions recommended AudioSeal® Mass Loaded Vinyl (MLV) Soundproofing Barrier and OSI® SC-175 Acoustical Caulk for this project. The contractor and client were both thrilled with the results.

The Challenge

Contractor John Gialanella of JGHI had to solve a problem for his client, Milspray Military Technologies in Lakewood, New Jersey. One of Milspray’s conference rooms was located 20 feet away from an industrial testing room with a sandblasting booth releasing 120 decibels. The sound from the equipment would penetrate the walls and doors making it difficult to provide a productive work area.

“The architect we were working with had plans for an alternately staggered wall with everyday insulation, but I knew that wasn’t going to do it. 120 decibels is like having a concert going on next door,” said Gialanella.

The Solution

Sales Representative Kevin McIver at Acoustical Solutions recommended that the contractor use Audioseal® Mass Loaded Vinyl Soundproofing Barrier and OSI® SC-175 Acoustical Caulk, “Since they were building a fresh wall, sound barrier material was the best option and it works really well.”

The Audioseal® Mass Loaded Vinyl Soundproofing Barrier is typically installed inside the wall, which is why it is commonly used in new construction. It is made of high-temperature fused vinyl that is very dense, weighing one pound per square foot.

This density is the key to blocking sound from transmitting through ceilings, floors, and walls. Generally, the more massive the material, the greater the sound transmission loss.

To seal up any openings after the installation of the new wall and door, OSI® SC-175 Acoustical Caulk was used.

“OSI® SC-175 Acoustical Caulk is different from ordinary caulking because it is permanently flexible and acts as a rubber shock absorber. It expands and contracts with the surrounding material and doesn’t transfer vibration or even allow air to pass through,” explained McIver.

Milspray Military Technologies

Milspray Military Technologies used AudioSeal® Mass Loaded Vinyl Soundproofing Barrier to block sound traveling through a newly-constructed wall

The Result

Both John Gialanella of JGHI and Milspray Military Technologies were ecstatic about the results of the installation:

“The result was phenomenal,” says Gialanella, “when the installation was finished we turned on the equipment, went into the conference room, shut the doors, and were stunned at how quiet the space was.” Mr. Gialanella also remarked that he would “never have been able to achieve what was achieved through cooperation with Acoustical Solutions.”

The clients were so thrilled at the results that they became return customers. They are currently working with Acoustical Solutions to solve their other soundproofing needs.

To learn more about how Acoustical Solutions can solve your noise control problems, use our contact form, call one of our Acoustical Sales Consultants at (800) 782-5742, or visit us on the web at