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Firebirds Bar

The Issue

A Richmond, Virginia restaurant with serious echo problems was in need of soundproofing and noise control in its bar and lounge, but management didn’t want to change the look of the establishment. Acoustical Solutions knew exactly what to do. Using Sonex® Acoustic Foam for sound absorption and sound deadening inconspicuously in problem areas, Acoustical Solutions cut the echo and brought the fun back to the space.

The Challenge

Firebirds Wood Fired Grill in Richmond, Virginia is a new sleek restaurant with a carefully thought-out look and feel, so when numerous sound and noise problems arose in the restaurant’s infancy, the last thing management wanted to do was compromise design.

The noise problems were numerous, and stemmed from the fact that the bar and lounge side of the restaurant had a corrugated metal ceiling and flat parallel walls. These smooth, rigid surfaces were reflecting sound back and forth creating loud reverberation.

“When it got really busy on Friday and Saturday nights the customers couldn’t hear each other, so they would talk louder and louder,” said Chris Reinka, a bartender at Firebirds. “Then the servers couldn’t hear over the echoes or the customers, so they would start talking louder.”

This never-ending cycle was not only uncomfortable but was also disturbing customers on the other side of the restaurant in the dining room. Enter Acoustical Solutions…with a plan.

Firebirds Restaurant and Bar

Firebirds Restaurant and Bar

The Solution

The ceiling and top three to four feet of wall space in Firebirds was painted black. Acoustical Solutions decided to treat these spaces with Sonex® Classic Acoustic Foam. Acoustic foam panels are used for sound absorption to reduce reverberation and echo. They didn’t want to change the look of the room at all. Sonex® Classic Acoustic Foam in a dark color is perfect for blending into dark spaces, as well as situations in which the foam needs to be easily cut and shaped. Also, Sonex® Classic is an extremely popular foam because of its complex surface pattern, acoustical effectiveness, and economical price point.

The Result

Firebirds has changed dramatically since the acoustical treatment was installed. The music can be heard more clearly, echo has been drastically reduced, and the overall sound level in the room has dropped. The drop in sound level is not only due to the acoustic foam being an excellent sound absorber, but also because servers and customers are no longer talking louder to in order to compete with the reverberation.

To learn more about how Acoustical Solutions can solve your noise control problems, use our contact form, call one of our Acoustical Sales Consultants at (800) 782-5742, or visit us on the web at acousticalsolutions.com.